? prints help q quaff potion / identify object r read scroll h left e eat food j down y u w wield a weapon k up \ / W wear armor l right h j k l T take armor off y up & left <- v ^ -> P put on ring u up & right / \ R remove ring b down & left b n d drop object n down & right c call object : run that way a repeat last command : run till adjacent ) print current weapon f fight till death or near death ] print current armor t throw something = print current rings m move onto without picking up @ print current stats z zap a wand in a direction D recall what's been discovered ^ identify trap type o examine/set options s search for trap/secret door ^R redraw screen > go down a staircase ^P repeat last message < go up a staircase ^[ cancel command . rest for a turn S save game , pick something up Q quit i inventory ! shell escape I inventory single item F fight till either of you dies --Press space to continue--